I am a PhD student at University of Manchester, supervised by Prof. Sophia Ananiadou. I worked as a DL4Code and DL4CyberSecurity researcher at Tencent Keen Lab from 2020 to 2022, where I designed deep learning models and methodologies to support cybersecurity researchers in reverse engineering binary code. I graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2020 with a Master’s Degree, supervised by Prof. Gongshen Liu, and in 2017 with a Bachelor’s Degree.

I believe mechanistic interpretability is crucial for achieving trustworthy AGI. Without understanding the reasoning behind a model’s decisions, pursuing AGI would be extremely dangerous. Therefore, my current research focuses on:

a) Identifying important neurons and understanding the neuron-level information flow in LLMs. I have investigated the mechanisms underlying factual knowledge, arithmetic, in-context learning in LLMs, and visual question answering in multimodal-LLMs.

b) Leveraging interpretability insights to identify structural weaknesses in LLMs, design safer and more effective models/methods, and enhance the performance of downstream tasks.

Please feel free to contact me at zepingyu@foxmail.com for discussions. I am also open to potential collaborations and career opportunities.

🔥 News

📝 Publications

Understanding Multimodal LLMs: the Mechanistic Interpretability of Llava in Visual Question Answering

Zeping Yu, Sophia Ananiadou [arxiv preprint arxiv: 2411.10950]

Interpreting Arithmetic Mechanism in Large Language Models through Comparative Neuron Analysis

Zeping Yu, Sophia Ananiadou [EMNLP 2024]

Neuron-Level Knowledge Attribution in Large Language Models

Zeping Yu, Sophia Ananiadou [EMNLP 2024]

How do Large Language Models Learn In-Context? Query and Key Matrices of In-Context Heads are Two Towers for Metric Learning

Zeping Yu, Sophia Ananiadou [EMNLP 2024]

CodeCMR: Cross-modal retrieval for function-level binary source code matching

Zeping Yu, Wenxin Zheng, Jiaqi Wang, Qiyi Tang, Sen Nie, Shi Wu [NeurIPS 2020]

Order matters: Semantic-aware neural networks for binary code similarity detection

Zeping Yu, Rui Cao, Qiyi Tang, Sen Nie, Junzhou Huang, Shi Wu [AAAI 2020]

Adaptive User Modeling with Long and Short-Term Preferences for Personalized Recommendation

Zeping Yu, Jianxun Lian, Ahmad Mahmoody, Gongshen Liu, Xing Xie [IJCAI 2019]

Sliced recurrent neural networks

Zeping Yu, Gongshen Liu [COLING 2018]

📖 Educations

  • 2023.09 - now, PhD student, Computer Science, University of Manchester.
  • 2020.03 - 2022.03 (work), DL4Code, DL4CyberSecurity, Tencent Keen Lab.
  • 2017.09 - 2020.03, Master of Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
  • 2013.09 - 2017.06, Bachelor of Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University.